There are days I feel like I just can’t do it. I mean whatever “it” is that day. Showing patience to others, cleaning my house, going to work, making ends meet–I have my limits. I’m not a bottomless well of resources. Maybe you feel this way too sometimes. Maybe it’s exhaustion or the impossibility of…
Fix Your Eyes
Relying too much on what we see with our physical eyes is dangerous. Whether positive or negative, we can’t put our full trust in the eyes we’ve been born with. Things may appear hopeless, but there’s always more to the story. Remembering God is the Architect of our lives helps. He sees the outcome. He…
You Are Somebody!
Some days, life beats us up. We fall short. We mess up. People disappoint us, and we disappoint others. Feelings of inadequacy can creep in and paralyze us. Days like that can make a person feel like a big, fat nobody. At least that’s how it goes for me sometimes. It’s an awful feeling. The…
Daybreak Savior: Benefits of Morning Devotions
“God is within her, she will not fall; God will help her at break of day.” (Psalm 46:5) Just over nine years ago, I began doing morning devotions. For years, I half-heartedly tried to develop a consistent habit of morning devotions. It never quite happened because I didn’t stick with it. Sunday mornings were the…
Keeping in Step with the Holy Spirit
Here we are–the end of August. I go back to school as a high school teacher this week. My husband starts back to teaching next week. Lots on our plates in September. Our kids begin third and eighth grade also. This is a crazy busy time for us since all of us are returning to…