Fix Your Eyes

Relying too much on what we see with our physical eyes is dangerous. Whether positive or negative, we can’t put our full trust in the eyes we’ve been born with.

Things may appear hopeless, but there’s always more to the story. Remembering God is the Architect of our lives helps. He sees the outcome. He knows how He intends to use your hardships to prosper you and bless others.

Things may look great. Foolishly, we trust what we see without having the whole picture. There’s always something unexpected that disrupts our earthly peace.

Learning to lean on God’s sovereignty is one of the hardest spiritual disciplines. We want to take control and handle the situation. We run ahead. We run away. We make bigger messes. All of this robs God of His rightful place as the Lord of our lives.

In 2 Corinthians 4:18, we are called to discern between earthly and heavenly perspective:

“So we fix our eyes not on what is see, but what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.”

Lord Jesus, have mercy on us for fixating on the temporary. Teach us to long for eternal things. Teach us to persevere and use wisdom. May our lives never be so dominated by the here and now that we lose our focus on You. I pray that your spiritual eyes would be opened as you look to God for wisdom.

9 thoughts on “Fix Your Eyes

  1. Well said and a truth is that I have
    struggled with most of my life. Just really
    starting to grasp and hold on to it. But
    when I think clearly, it really is so much
    easier to keep our eyes on the Lord and
    just walk and let him deal with the details.

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