Living in Lockdown

At this point, we’re entering the third week of “lockdown” here in NJ. Schools are closed indefinitely. The governor ordered travel restrictions and a curfew on March 21st. Life is scaled back and limited to our home and walks in the nearby neighborhoods.

People are scared, tense, and concerned about what lies ahead. I am too. But even in the uncertainty, we have a God who changes not. That’s good news.

“Whatever is good and perfect is a gift coming down to us from God our Father, who created all the lights in the heavens. He never changes or casts a shifting shadow.” (James 1:17, NLT)

In everything that has been negative and uncertain, what is good news in your life right now? What’s been an unexpected gift in these trying times? Please comment below. I’d love to hear from you.

For me, having time with my family and being able to work from home has been a blessing. I realize not everyone has that privilege. Please enjoy my article from Medium below for free. I hope it encourages you.

Here’s John Krasinski’s new “news show”–you’ll love it if you love good news.

May you remember to count your blessings even when the news reports are negative. Praying peace and health to each of you. Thanks for reading!

With Love and Gratitude,


3 thoughts on “Living in Lockdown

  1. For me, being forced to stay home allowed
    me to let go of resentment towards one of
    my home obligations. I am grateful for the
    ability to be here to help out.

  2. This whole lockdown thing is tough for most of us. But God has made us so many promises
    and I KNOW they are yes to all. Romans 8:28 God says He will work all things together for
    Good….I lean on this daily and as time goes by in this lockdown mode, I can see more and
    more good in our family. In all things, I give thanks!!!

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