For the past seven or eight years, I have been intentional about spending time daily in prayer and reflection during Lent. It’s a special time of quiet contemplation. Stepping back from social media is usually the fast I choose during that time. It helps eliminate distraction and opens up more time for me to spend with God.
As Lent begins on February 14th this year, we’re once again called to remember the sacrifice of Christ as we await the celebration of His resurrection. The rhythm of this springtime ritual brings such joy and satisfaction to me. Something about the shift in seasons and rebirth of the natural world after a long, cold winter resonates with the anticipation of celebrating Easter. It reminds me of how the Bible talks about nature singing the praises of our God and Creator. All of it points back to Him.
“Let the heavens rejoice, let the earth be glad;
Psalm 96:11-12 (NIV)
let the sea resound, and all that is in it.
Let the fields be jubilant, and everything in them;
let all the trees of the forest sing for joy.”
Just in time for Lent, I’m grateful and excited to announce that my first paperback book has been published this week on Amazon. Though I have been writing online for years (thank you for sharing the journey with me), there’s something truly thrilling about holding your work in your hands in physical form. After turning 50 in October, I’ve been rejuvenated and inspired to make my 50s the decade I come into my own as a creative. All glory to God as I go forward on this journey.

40 Days of Focus: 40 Verbs to Encourage Your Spirit (<—click title for link) is now available to readers. It features a daily devotion, prayer, reflection question, and space to write your thoughts. A different verb and Bible verse prefaces each day’s entry. Each day’s material should take no more than about ten minutes to complete and journal. I hope you’ll consider purchasing one for yourself or a loved one as a special way to prepare for Easter this year. The devotional can be used during any 40-day period, but the timing is just right this year if you want to purchase it for Lent.
I am hoping to be sharing more regularly on this blog, about once a month or so. Your readership and friendship is a blessing, and I appreciate each of you. Blessings to you as you enter the Lenten season this year.
With Love and Gratitude,

Hi! I’m Tracy. I love Jesus, my family, Earl Grey Tea, and quiet mornings. Here at Earl Grey and Yellow, the focus is striving to be faithful and appreciate the small things. So glad you stopped by. Please have a look around and subscribe to our newsletter and social media to stay connected.
Much love and Blessings!
I was do excited to see your email it’s
been awhile … Looking forward to 49
Days of Focus!.
Thank you! Hoping to keep up here more often. I appreciate you reading.
Keep up great work.
I’ve been looking for a Lenten devotional. Perfect timing. I just ordered.
Thank you! I hope it blesses you.