Recently, I started back to school as a high school teacher, just as I have for twenty years. The routine is always the same. Checking rosters, planning lessons, making copies, preparing the classroom–all have their place to be ready for the students to arrive. Necessary things to help the classroom functioning run smoothly must not be overlooked.
This year, I scanned over my rosters to see if my senior classes would have “repeats” of students I’ve taught before. Since I teach sophomore and senior English, there is a chance I could get students for a second time. To be honest, there were a couple of students I could think of I was not eager to teach again.
After looking over my rosters, I noticed that a girl I had a couple of years prior was in both my senior English class and an elective I teach. At first, I felt daunted. This girl and I have a decent rapport, but she has a lot of personal problems and emotional issues and tends to walk the hallways on extended trips out to the restroom. She often has excuses for why she is out and about instead of in class. Frankly, she is sometimes the architect of her own problems.
I wasn’t looking forward to having to manage her for two periods a day because I just didn’t feel like dealing with her excuses and her habitual hall walking. Classes are large this year, and she would be one more thing to keep track of. I was purely driven by my flesh in that attitude. No doubt about it. Imitating Christ was not in the lesson plan and representing the kingdom was not on my agenda.
As I grumbled to myself about having this student again, the Holy Spirit gently whispered to me. He reminded me I am not just there to teach reading and writing. I’m on Kingdom Assignment. It’s the most important assignment there is. When I am at work, I am an ambassador of Christ above all else. I’m called to be His hands and feet in a lost, hurting, and broken world.
Instantly, the shame of my selfishness burned within. I asked God to forgive my attitude. The Lord reminded me I was at one time a troubled teen who needed mercy and grace. The Spirit also called to mind some scriptures I’ve studied and learned in my four-plus decades as a believer. I returned to God’s instructions and promises on perseverance and kindness.
Let us not grow weary in well-doing, for in due time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. (Galatians 6:9 BSB)
Do not withhold good from those to whom it is due, when it is in your power to act. (Proverbs 3:27 NIV)
Therefore, as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience. (Colossians 3:12 NIV)

Lord forgive me. I’d forgotten my assignment–to love and serve my students as best I can. I’m called to show them Christlike integrity and kindness. This doesn’t mean I let them get away with anything. It means that in my dealings, I should be gentle and kind. Gracious and helpful. Patient and wise.
In pursuing the daily tasks we all must do, we must not lose sight of our Kingdom Assignment. Our true purpose is to reflect Christ and love others. May we always be looking for our true assignment.
With Love and Gratitude,

Hi! I’m Tracy. I love Jesus, my family, Earl Grey Tea, and quiet mornings. Here at Earl Grey and Yellow, the focus is striving to be faithful and appreciate the small things. So glad you stopped by. Please have a look around and subscribe to our newsletter and social media to stay connected.
Just Beautiful!!!! Love when you share your heart!
Very well said
Thanks, friend. Love you.
Oh Tracy, this is such a great reminder
of our “Why” as Christians, We
“forget ourselves” at times and miss
the opportunities that God gives us on
a regular basis. Lord, please help us
all to be more mindful of our Kingdom
assignments. Amen.
Yes. This! Thank you, Tracy,
for this wonderful reminder
of our truth in life.
Thanks. <3
Excellent reminder ! Thank you
Thanks for reading. God sure does have a way of showing us where we need an attitude adjustment.
Beautiful as always!
Thanks so much. Miss you!
Great message
Love pops
I feel like I needed to hear this today.